Insight of the Week: The Ebb and Flow of Life

If you’ve ever spent time at the ocean, you’ve observed how the waves and tides move in and out. This cycle of ebb and flow is the same energy simply moving in an organic rhythm.  Life operates in very much the same way. In our periods of ebb or receding, we feel as if nothing…

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Insight of the Week: The Silver-Lining of Self-Love

The Silver-Lining of Self-Love – A Scenario It is very painful when someone you love deeply, your soul’s counterpart, blindsides you and casts you aside for a cheap replica.  You feel your heart and world shattering into a million pieces all at once, as a piece of your soul seems to detach, forever lost, taking…

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Insight of the Week: Our False Ego is Never off the Hook

In Book 1, Me, Myself and I, we discuss the distinctions between our true self, ego and false ego. At all times we are making a free will choice through our human ego whether to follow our true self or our false ego (see Book 1 for more details). When the false ego comes into…

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Insight of the Week: There is Suffering and Then There is Suffering

There is suffering and then there is suffering. There is suffering from the inevitable consequences of the unconscious choices we have made. And then there is the suffering of the conscious choices we have made. Once we become aware of how our unconscious choices caused our suffering most of us course correct and make the…

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Insight of the Week: Texting is Not a Relationship

“Relationships are created in person.” This is the #1 rule I give all my clients when navigating relationships. Texting has taken over our communication channels and yet is the most ineffective way to express oneself. Text is great for communicating logistics, but most times leads to misunderstandings, conflict, and possible chaos in relationships. There is…

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Insight of the Week: Pain and Suffering

When we feel broken hearted, the pain we experience many times causes us to erect a wall around our heart as a form of protection. In attempting to keep out any future potential experiences that could cause pain, we also inadvertently keep out love. A broken heart is merely a heart that is a little…

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Insight of the Week: Who said you were Emotionally Weak?

Many people have been conditioned since childhood to believe that they are weak, too weak to effect any change in their lives let alone understand they are in essence the creator of their life.  Yet everyone is creating their own life 100% of the time, we just don’t realize it because we are doing it…

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Insight of the Week: Sticking our Head in the Sand

Very often we do not choose to look at the truth and reality in our life situations, that is self-evident and in front of us, in an attempt to avoid pain and conflict.  We, in effect, “deceive or delude” ourselves out of fear of what it might mean and how our life would change if…

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