A Philosophy is Born
Teaching in the school system, counseling and raising my own son as a single mom has afforded me a front row seat to countless students from early teens to well into their 20’s and on into adulthood struggling to find meaning and direction in their life. What they in fact are looking for is their sense of self.
You see most of us follow in the footsteps of our parents, family and societal conditioning without ever quite stopping to ask ourselves: “does this life path resonate with me? Do I really want to be attending this school, staying in this career, working in this industry, living in this geographical location, practicing this religion, socializing with this crowd, exercising in this way?”
When we adopt and apply another’s choices as our own, is it any wonder why then we feel unhappy, unfulfilled and without direction or inspiration? What is it exactly that makes us feel as if we must follow someone else’s truth about who and what we are?
From this very question, my Self-Development Counseling Practice was born.

In today’s fast paced, high achievement-oriented world adults and young adults alike, are struggling to discern who they are and where they fit in. To do this they must first know who they are: their authentic self-identity. This is a process that only comes from within. It requires skills, strategies and techniques, on how to connect with our inner compass and innate wisdom so that we may live our fullest and highest self-expression without self-judgement and criticism. A process that allows us to explore who we are at our core, not who we were told we are. From this foundational sense of self, we are empowered to make life choices and harbor life directions that lead to emotional, social and mental well-being.
All counseling programs are dual focused as they marry the psychological and spiritual. Various techniques are drawn from both arenas and used on an individually assessed basis. These techniques address the daily components we face in our lives to foster greater self-awareness, a stable working knowledge of emotional intelligence and an action plan on how to create a life that resonates with your own authenticity.
Individual Self-Development Counseling
I focus on developing a unique partnership with my clients and students providing them with a safe and supportive space in which they can explore their personal perceptions, its origins, behaviors, and outcomes. I guide them to a deeper understanding of these so they may heal and make positive shifts which align with their core truth leading to a motivated impassioned life.
Group Self-Development Counseling
Encompasses the aspects of the individual Self-Development program applied to a group sharing a common theme in a single area of their life. Sample topics include, seeking career change, navigating divorce, new parents, career choices for teens, navigating the corporate environment et al.
Teen & Young Adult Self-Development Counseling
Unfortunately, teens and young adults are often coined: spoiled, lazy, entitled, indifferent, unfeeling, and many other misleading and inaccurate labels they are saddled with. This is a grave disservice to them as it’s just not true. They are the one sector of the population that is striving to find themselves more than any other. They are more self-aware than most adults and they get it, they just haven’t learned to trust themselves and what they inherently believe to be true. They also were not afforded a self-identity education, neither in school nor at home. I help them do exactly that as they move forward to navigate this ongoing challenging world, they are living in.
Relationship Counseling
Our relationships, whether familial, friendships, romantic or colleagues, are the way we learn the most about who we are and our behavioral patterns. When we come against others, we are most triggered. This is by design, as the people around us serve as our mirrors to reflect back to us all our qualities; including and most specifically our shadows (the parts of us we bury, disown and ignore). By using this as an awareness tool, amongst other strategies, we can heal and release the hindering patterns shifting your relationship dynamics.
Bereavement Counseling (Support Groups and Individual)
Counseling that aims to help you cope with the mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual responses to loss usually brought on by the death of a loved one or more broadly to any significant life-altering loss such as: divorce, home, or job loss, in addition to any global events; wars, natural disasters and the trauma associated with such. Trauma, adjusting to a new reality and re-creating your identity post-loss are all addressed.
I-CE Program – (Pronounced “I-See”) – Identity Consciousness Education
4wks – 2hrs/wk
This educational program is designed to assist you in understanding the process of claiming and living your authentic self-identity. It offers the foundational concepts, along with applicable methodologies, that solidify and strengthen your self-awareness and spiritual identity. The program is based on the theories put forth in the book: Me, Myself and I, The Human Case of Mistaken Identity. They include: defining self-identity, understanding the human trinity, labeling, stereotyping & disconnection, understanding the ego and duality, accessing and working with your spiritual identity for integration and balance.
Integrative Nutrition Counseling
One on one counseling which integrates all aspects of your life. We are nourished by the relationships we maintain, the career/job we choose, our spiritual practice and our physical activity/entertainment in addition to what we eat. We examine and bring all these aspects into a healthy balance to achieve fulfillment and health; inside and out. This is an educational process as you discover with tools and strategies what works best to optimize your happiness and well-being.
Corporate Wellness Counseling & Education
Self-Development is not only applicable in an individual or group setting. It is the foundational cornerstone for every company and community. When more of its members are educated and versed in self-awareness and emotional intelligence it fosters a more harmonious, productive, and empowered company culture. The goal is to uplift and maintain employee social-emotional health. Seminars, workshops, small groups and individual education in combination serve as a support net for company employees as a whole. Both generic and specific themes are tackled as meets the needs of each company.
Workshops and Seminars
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