Hey! It’s Leda

Who am I? Who am I?
A question that plagued me most of my life. I was born into a specific racial, cultural and ethnic identity that taught me what to believe, how to think and how to behave. But somewhere beyond this, even as a child, I knew there was more…that I was more; a person, within the external person that everyone saw. A person who did not always agree with what she was told she was, or should be, or had to be. That internal person was silenced more and more as she grew up and became everything her parents, culture and society wanted her to be. But inside she was lost, dying, her sense of self crowded out by the external voices and demands. That self was not allowed to breathe for fear of rejection, abandonment, judgement and criticism. It was constantly squashed causing excruciating emotional pain, because there is no pain greater than that of separation from the self.
I was this child and young adult, and this is what I hear, over and over again, from my clients. “I was not afforded the space and fertile ground for the exploration and blossoming of “me”, the real me…and no-one ever asked or even noticed.” I hear this too, a lot. Hence, my mission to re-claim myself began and it led me to helping all of you do the same.
My vast education, independent studies, and personal trial and errors over the years have led me to create a counseling practice and teach programs which increase self-love exponentially thus diminishing anxiety, removing self-doubt, developing a can-do attitude, recognizing and acknowledging your unique gifts and talents and increasing self-esteem. Your happiness barometer will rise, and life will become an amazing adventure you get to create.
My Clients…My Mission
I know what you’re going through. I get it. I hear you and I understand. It doesn’t matter what age you are or what time of life you are in. The process of personal growth is the same and ever evolving, as we continue to shed the layers of conditioned beliefs that no longer serve us. When we believe we have it all figured out, life throws us another curve ball to show us we have more to learn. This is not to punish us but to push us to expand more and more out of our comfort zones…to move into an even happier more balanced state of being.
I have been listening to friends, colleagues, and clients for years and this impassions my mission and solidifies my bond with helping you claim yourself. I want you to navigate this challenging world you are facing without having your sense of self hijacked or annihilated.

Mission Statement
“To lead and educate humanity; especially its younger generation, in developing their self-identity as a means to navigating their emotional, mental and social well-being fostering a healthier global community”

On a Personal Note
Nutrition and cooking have long been passions of mine and I am happiest around a table with those I love. Hiking a trail and walking the beach helps me to re-center and ground myself while tennis, swimming and working out keep me energized. Traveling and connecting with new people fills my heart and soul inspiring me and my writing. But my son and beloved Chow/Retriever mix Nukka are my loves. I am “Simply Leda”.
Leda is the founder and director of Simply Leda.
She is also Certified Mindfulness Educator, and attended
a multitude of workshops, seminars and lectures on self-development and emotional education

She is a Board Certified Holistic Health Counselor accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

She received her training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC.

She also holds a Certificate in Integrative Nutrition from Columbia University.

Leda holds an MA in School Health Education from Adelphi University and received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement, GPA 4.0

Leda also holds a BA in Journalism from NYU

Leda has completed the teachings of the Pathwork of Transformation for 5 years under Barbara Azzara, leader of the internationally recognized Foundation of the Pathwork of Transformation.