Insight of the Week: Your Inner Compass

Can you believe in the truth that you already have all the answers you need? The first step in Simply Leda’s Self-Identity Education is to learn to turn inward.  To rely on yourself for the answers to all your decisions.  When you look outward, to friends, family, colleagues, you will ultimately receive their truth based…

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Feature Article: The Gift of Vulnerability

Vulnerability: a word and action most of us shun or at least shudder to even think about.  There are so many different reactions elicited when the topic comes up that it can send a simple conversation spiraling out of control.  Why is that? Why is this word with all its implications such a hot bed?…

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Feature Article – Creating Our Reality

How many times have we seen people experiencing the same event yet walk away with completely different perceptions of it?  Einstein tells us that perception creates reality. Taking this to be true, how then is our perception created? Perception is formulated by experience plus your ingrained belief systems – both consciously and subconsciously.  This means…

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Insight of the Week: True Connection and the State of Happiness

If you took a poll and asked people what is it you desire the most, the number one answer would be “happiness.”  And what does it mean to be happy? The responses you would receive would be as individual as we are. When we move past the more common responses …a better job, bigger home,…

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Insight of the Week: The Meaning of Being Alone

It is true that humans are social creatures and meant to live in community. However, we have taken to living lives of distraction as opposed to lives of purpose.  Socializing is an important aspect of the human experience – what does that look like?  To very many of us it has come to mean that…

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Insight of the Week: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Just as Dorothy, in the film the Wizard of Oz, we are all following a yellow brick road.  And along this road, like Dorothy, we meet various people who represent aspects of ourselves that we have disowned and whose purpose it is to help us reclaim those parts of ourselves by reflecting it back to…

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Insight of the Week: It’s Time to Know You’re Tethered

As we move through life’s trials and tribulations, there are times we feel alone, lost, without hope, disillusioned or disappointed. Others of us may feel depressed, stressed out, worried, anxious, unable to see the forest through the trees, or we cannot find the guidance we seek, the answers we need, or the direction to follow….

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Insight of the Week: We Never Lose Our Power

Hurricane Isaias came barreling up the Eastern Coastline of the US with a fast and furious demeanor rendering most of the Eastern Seaboard powerless.  Many of us took this power loss in stride making do with candles, flashlights, sleeping with open windows or sharing resources with friends and neighbors while others ran generators and yet…

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Insight of the Week: Taking Off the Mask

As our current circumstances would have it, humanity has been wearing masks to protect themselves and others, to help curb the spread of the pandemic.  Depending on our whereabouts we take these masks on and off accordingly.  Many times, our friends and neighbors don’t recognize us because three-quarters of our face is hidden, so we…

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Insight of the Week: Value…In or Out?

Our western culture has conditioned us to believe that value comes from “outside” of ourselves.  From our job title, societal position, the amount of money we earn,  the type of car we drive, the house we live in, where we eat, what clothes we wear, the friends, lovers or spouse we have and of course,…

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