Insight of the Week: Being Open

“Just be open to it”. We hear this phrase many times when we are presented with trying something new or looking at something from a different perspective.  Most of us are “set in our ways”.  We carry certain belief systems that we adopted from childhood teachings, picked up from friends, from personal experiences and the…

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Insight of the Week: The Mirror’s Reflection

How many hours per day do you think a person spends looking in the mirror?  Whether part of a morning routine or a quick check during the day; we wash up, comb our hair, put on make-up, brush our teeth, check our clothes, etc.  Add to that, getting ready for a special evening out…and a…

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Insight of the Week: It’s Just Forgiveness

There have been many definitions and interpretations about “forgiveness” through time.  It has become such an emotionally charged word and concept as humanity has struggled to apply it individually and collectively.  However, it must first be understood and applied personally for it to ripple out collectively. So, what is forgiveness really? Defined in the dictionary…

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Insight of the Week: One of A Kind

lf you have ever heard the expression “you’re one of a kind” then you know it references that you are unique unto yourself and no-one else is quite like you.  Whether stated with a positive or negative intention you are still “one”. Likewise, we are also “one” human race/species.  We are as far as we…

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Insight of the Week: Validation, Validation, Validation

By official definition, validation is “the action of making or declaring something legally or officially acceptable”. When applied to our emotions however, we can say that validation is the recognition and/or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.  It’s a powerful action that can be both uplifting and positive…

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Insight of the Week: The Body Never Lies

Aside from the biological symptoms, the Coronavirus has also brought on a strew of chaos as humanity tries to grapple with how to address it.  Tuning in to the news has become a plethora of contradicting information.   Different perspectives, political agendas, scientific and medical claims, have left us to our own devices in sorting out…

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Insight of the Week: When the Unexpected Hits, Embrace

Without a doubt, this pandemic has brought a lot of unexpected circumstances to our attention – physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Each of us in our own way has experienced different aspects of these unexpected circumstances – some have grieved loss of life, while others loss of businesses, loss of finances, loss of senior…

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Insight of the Week: Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor? Never has this question been more prevalent in modern history that it is now. When asked in the literal, one would answer this question referencing those who live in their immediate physical proximity.  However, as humanity continues to evolve, we see how interconnected we truly are no matter where on the…

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Insight of the Week: The Gift

Amid the fear and chaos of life whatever it may be, there is always a gift,  During this time of social distancing accept the gift of time for self-awareness. Meditate with soft music, journal, reflect on the meaning and purpose of your life beyond your day to day existence,  Allow your mind chatter to quiet…

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Children’s Spirituality: A Forgotten Identity?

As published in Creations Magazine – August/September 2019 Issue   So often we hear the term spirituality in today’s conversations. A “new age” word that is bantered around and yet there are still many of us who do not understand exactly how the term is defined and its greater meaning. Even more so, when we…

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