How many times have we seen people experiencing the same event yet walk away with completely different perceptions of it? Einstein tells us that perception creates reality. Taking this to be true, how then is our perception created? Perception is formulated by experience plus your ingrained belief systems – both consciously and subconsciously. This means then that we create our reality in part by what we belief whether we are aware of those beliefs or not. Sound complicated?
Our belief systems run deep, as we have so often discussed in other articles. They stem from our cultural story, our nuclear family, race, ethnicity, our environment and from our personal experiences. Research states by the time we are six years old most of our core beliefs have already been ingrained into our subconscious mind and we act them out on auto pilot. Putting this together we see that our belief systems, formulated from when we are quite young, affect our perception and create our reality as adults. Moving further along, this means that if we become aware of our core beliefs through self-observance and awareness, we can then affect or at best purposefully create the reality we wish to live.
What? Really? Yes, many texts throughout history tell us that we are the creators of our own reality. Here is where quantum physics/law of attraction comes into play. Our beliefs (or what we constantly are thinking about) work like a magnet to bring in exact people and situations that match the beliefs we have. For example, if you believe that deception, manipulation, control, and cheating are the best methods of self-advancement then life will draw to you people and situations that reflect and confirm those beliefs back to you. Conversely, if you believe that integrity, dignity, self-respect, and love are the keys to life success you will draw in like-minded people and situations that reflect that– we say that they act like “mirrors” validating our perception of life.
This mirror or reflection is your gauge to what beliefs you truly have. If the reflection you see is not representative of who you are then you know that somewhere there is a belief you are holding from your childhood that no longer serves/works for you. We all have an inner compass which points us in the direction we need to go. The needle is directed by our feelings. Our feelings are our surest guide as to whether our beliefs are serving our highest potential. Self-examination and self-assessment of our feelings is a necessary component. Ask yourself: How does this person/situation make you feel? Does it uplift you? Bring you joy/happiness? If so, why and if not, why not? What would need to change to move the needle in the other direction? What different choice would you have to make? What belief would you have to let go of completely or alter?
This can be a painful process and it is easy to see when we are hit with negative occurrences such as divorce, illness, bankruptcy, constant career changes, loss of relationships, etc that we have beliefs we need to assess and revise. This is life forcing us into a direction we ought to have found for ourselves. The good news is that this process does not have to be so traumatic. Our inner compass is constantly tapping us on the shoulder. It’s our job to have the courage and humility to listen and re-adjust before and to prevent such traumatic negative occurrences to arise. There are many tools and techniques that help us with this which we will cover in another article.
Therefore look…look at everyone and everything in your life. Is it what you consciously chose or what your old played out auto pilot chose for you when you weren’t paying attention? Constantly ask yourself the questions until you arrive at feelings of joy, peace, love and happiness. Practice this process of self-examination repeatedly until you create the reality that you truly wish to live.
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