Many people have been conditioned since childhood to believe that they are weak, too weak to effect any change in their lives let alone understand they are in essence the creator of their life. Yet everyone is creating their own life 100% of the time, we just don’t realize it because we are doing it subconsciously as opposed to consciously.
We create our lives through the choices we make, the actions we take and the words we express. These three things are governed by our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Have you ever examined them? From where did they stem? Are they yours or handed down to you during childhood? Was someone in your childhood keeping you from knowing just how powerful you are because they themselves felt powerless and insecure?
Everyone has the power built into them to effect change and growth. No-one is “weak”, just unwilling. Don’t let outworn beliefs you adopted or were fed hold you and your “future” hostage. Those who believe they are weak usually have the most strength but have succumbed and created a comfort zone which is then used as an excuse to avoid or challenge what they inherently know is incorrect. Simply put – if you believe you can’t, then you won’t.
Don’t let this be you. You are not a victim of your upbringing or social conditioning, only your own continued persistence of hanging on to limiting beliefs. Time to shake them off. Examine everything you think you are. Write it down and look at each item to discern where this belief about yourself originated from. In a quiet, neutral moment go within your heart and ask, is it yours? Is it valid or true? If not, time to toss it. Grieve it without blame and send it on its way. Then allow life to show you just how much strength and power you have. You can do this!
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