Do you thrive on the power of getting people to love you?
Does your insecurity cause you to secure external validation at any cost?
Do you break up with your relationships before they break up with you, to protect yourself from the pain of rejection and/or abandonment?
Can you exist on your own and love yourself enough without resorting to manipulation and deception of others to love you?
Do you put on a mask and keep up an emotional wall to prevent showing any vulnerability and to keep emotional intimacy at bay?
These behaviors are all patterns that are created in our early years brought on by our social conditioning, observed relationship dynamics and adaption to our environment. Here we build our belief systems, our self-perception and coping and defense mechanisms that remain with us till adulthood. However, in adulthood we see that they prove more harmful than beneficial.
Our patterns and the wounds they stem from can be healed. Self-awareness of a pattern and its detriment, is the first step. This is always a free will choice. Take courage and be brave. We all have the built in ability and capability to heal. When the pain of standing still or living in your status quo outweighs the fear of moving forward you will take a step. However, it is not always necessary to wait till a catalyst knocks you sideways. Spend time in self-reflection, in neutral observation and discernment of yourself. Seek out the support you need from trusted, mature, developed, authentic friends or a therapeutic practitioner.
Understanding and practicing the fundamentals of self-love will open you up and give you the steps and insight to healing and dismantling the patterns leading to emotional freedom.
Self Love: The Journey Home, Book 2, The Human Case of Mistaken Identity Series
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