As we move through life’s trials and tribulations, there are times we feel alone, lost, without hope, disillusioned or disappointed. Others of us may feel depressed, stressed out, worried, anxious, unable to see the forest through the trees, or we cannot find the guidance we seek, the answers we need, or the direction to follow. We feel uncertain, doubtful, moving without feeling safe or secure. These feelings, at whatever level of intensity, as real as they might feel, are in fact, an illusion. We have everything we need because we are always tethered. To what you might ask? To whatever you call our divine “source” – be it God, Creator, Allah, Jehovah, Universe, All that Is– the name does not matter. What matters is that we are all tethered. (For this article, the term God will be used.)
In the same way astronauts are tethered with a cord to the space station when they spacewalk and conduct their work, so are we always tethered to God. Imagine there is an invisible cord emanating from your heart center that leads right out of you and is connected directly to God. So that no matter where you go or how you move, you are always attached and can never really lose your way. Losing our way is merely a perception we have, an outward manifestation when we have forgotten our spiritual identity – our home. How many of you remember the film ET? ET phoned home- his glowing heart center not only his life force but his central signal that connected him to his home.
For us, being tethered means that we are always attached to God and our core essence, which translates to: feeling loved, safe and secure, always having access to the guidance we need, the comfort we seek, the answers we long for, the right decisions, the growth and opportunities we strive to create and the list goes on.
Many of us are not aware of this attachment to home thereby never accessing it. Yet it is always there and always on. Meditation is one way to access it and we often hear that we need to sit in silence to hear the still small voice. This is true, but this is not the only way. Many of us connect through music, art, walks through nature, swimming, serving others, cooking, gardening, automatic writing, in short anything creative that absorbs all of our attention and silences our mind chatter. But the most surefire method is to just have a conversation…as if you would a friend. Talk to God, ask for what you need/seek, and the answers will always come. Always. Depending on your degree of openness it might be directly or through a song you hear on the radio, a quote you read, a conversation with a friend, a story or article sent to you, a sign or post you see. It comes in many forms and always in the form that will resonate with you the most. The key is to be open and aware to it. This isn’t theoretical, it’s tangible. Many books and stories have been written describing occurrences of connection and communication -sometimes in the most unusual of ways. We are never alone and without help. We can never lose our way – we are tethered to home. Take a chance, make an experiment – as ridiculous as you may believe it sounds, start a conversation, and see what happens. In the words of ET: “phone home.” The signal is always on and the channel open. You might be surprised how easy it is.
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