When we feel broken hearted, the pain we experience many times causes us to erect a wall around our heart as a form of protection. In attempting to keep out any future potential experiences that could cause pain, we also inadvertently keep out love. A broken heart is merely a heart that is a little more open, and underneath the pain lays more love that desires to be felt. When we freeze this emotion out, as a result of grief or guilt we do not allow for its release, and its dissolution of the wall. As such, we end up living half a life and suffer.
Pain is an inevitable part of evolution, should we be awake enough to perceive it as such. It is through painful experiences that we learn our greatest lessons about who we are and it’s the driving force behind who we choose to be moving forward.
Suffering is temporary and occurs when we do not perceive the pain as a gift and a teaching. Suffering locks down guilt and resistance keeping you stuck. You remain in your wound and act out from this wound, wondering why you do not feel better. There is nothing enlightening about suffering. The only reason humanity believes its the path forward is because we feel we have to punish ourselves because of deep seated guilt.
As much as your hurting over something, try to step into the position of an observant witness to see what this experience is teaching you about who you are. Sit still and do some breath work and allow the truth of the experience to reveal itself. Remember the pain is only a conduit to a greater “innerstanding” and suffering is just your default response, perception and thoughts about what transpired. Focus on the incredible capacity of love that lives within your heart and being and allow it to carry you forward and out of your wounded cycle.
All is well.
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