When we wish to build a healthier, stronger physique we go to the gym and workout our muscles. When we strive for mental acuity, we engage in activities which build our cognitive abilities. However, not many of us consciously approach our emotional state with the same commitment or intensity despite the fact that it is the core stabilizing component for our mental and physical well-being. In fact, studies show most of us assume our emotional state is not something to be honed, exercised or even addressed until a crisis arises.
The irony here though is that emotional growth will take place with or without us consciously aware of it. When we do not focus on it in the same way we focus on our body and mind it can cause upheavals and even chaos. We all have Life lessons to learn, and these lessons are directly correlated to our emotional health. Resisting emotional growth is futile, for Life will keep bringing you the same lesson, over and over, different people or place, until you embrace and learn the lesson at hand. Many of us do not read the signs on the wall (for various reasons) and only pay attention and act when the pain of standing still outweighs the fear of moving forward.
Whatever you are resisting will keep re-visiting you with more intensity each time until you commit…to yourself, to the healing of your wounds and to the breaking of your detrimental patterns. This is true freedom. No-one outside of you can do this for you, they can only act as catalysts. This is your own inner work, and we are all empowered to this end. Therefore, embrace your conflicts as teachers and use them to examine and understand your patterns of behavior and their origins. Once identified, you can begin the healing process. Remember, as much as we wish to blame another, only we are responsible and accountable for ourselves. This is a gift for it also means we have the power to heal ourselves.
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