The Silver-Lining of Self-Love – A Scenario
It is very painful when someone you love deeply, your soul’s counterpart, blindsides you and casts you aside for a cheap replica. You feel your heart and world shattering into a million pieces all at once, as a piece of your soul seems to detach, forever lost, taking all your innocence and good attributes in love with it. You walk as a hollow shell trying to make sense of it all. Shock, grief, pain and anger your constant companions. You long for them to wake up, to see you; your worth and value, and come home but to no avail. For it’s just an ego game of hit and run and they continue to remain blinded by the cheap sparkling headlights.
And from this moment of utter despair and after you’ve beaten yourself up enough, emerges a new form of love, slowly but surely, a new thought, an awakening which drives you right back to yourself. A new type of self-love begins to form, different than before, for this time it is accompanied by self-respect, total acceptance, total integrity, and total authenticity. A self-love so strong it nourishes and sustains you in a way no other can. And with it you begin to re-claim back to you all your fragmented parts and love can begin anew, wiser, freer and unconditional and without the wounds. This is the silver lining of your life falling apart. Welcome to your healing and evolution.
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