Can you believe in the truth that you already have all the answers you need?
The first step in Simply Leda’s Self-Identity Education is to learn to turn inward. To rely on yourself for the answers to all your decisions. When you look outward, to friends, family, colleagues, you will ultimately receive their truth based on their experiences, not yours. Even therapists who are trained to help you, understand the importance of this. As well-meaning as everyone might be, as objectively as a professional can guide you, ultimately you need to learn to turn inward into your own inner wisdom. You can, if you choose, take everything you hear then sift through it to keep what resonates and toss the rest. However, you still need to turn within to do this, so why go through the process of listening to everyone else first, instead of just going directly to yourself?
It’s not as hard as you might think it is. It begins with believing that you in fact, possess the answers you need. When you were born into this life you came in with a blueprint that contains everything you require to live the life you’ve mapped out. It is ingrained in you in the form of an inner compass. Can you believe this truth? There is no randomness to your life, and you are not here by accident or chance. When this truth reverberates within you there will be no question as to “who to ask”. The process of accessing your inner compass and sourcing your own answers means they will “stick” because they feel “true or right” as opposed to “true in the moment” because it sounded good from someone else, but then doubt slowly started to kick in. Practice trusting in your own wisdom because only you can give yourself the answer that is “right” for you.
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