Very often we do not choose to look at the truth and reality in our life situations, that is self-evident and in front of us, in an attempt to avoid pain and conflict. We, in effect, “deceive or delude” ourselves out of fear of what it might mean and how our life would change if we chose to see things as they are, so we opt for “selective viewing” instead. Doing so though not only keeps us stuck in the situation by our passive choice but creates self-betrayal which breeds self-resentment and if left unbridled over a long period of time: self-hatred which then creates all forms of self-sabotage.
Within us we all have an internal knowing of what is and isn’t true for us and we know when we bypass facing situations and people out of fear. At some point, the pain of continuing in self-betrayal will outweigh the justifications and rationalizations we tell ourselves and this is when we will take the step of courage to look at our life situations as they are. Do not be afraid to do this, as avoidance always leads to a cumulation of the circumstances leading to an eruption or shattering of some sort followed by heavy damage control. Addressing the damage control will be much worse and compound the issue/situation. In addition, it will serve to magnify our feelings of self-betrayal.
Personal growth is not easy…but it is easier to embrace it and work with it knowing it exists to propel us forward rather than to “ride it out” hoping that by some magic wand things will work out in our favor without our input or inner work. There are no shortcuts and life will bring us the same issue, situation or person over and over again until we choose to face the truth and what it’s there to teach us. The choice is always ours.
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