Hurricane Isaias came barreling up the Eastern Coastline of the US with a fast and furious demeanor rendering most of the Eastern Seaboard powerless. Many of us took this power loss in stride making do with candles, flashlights, sleeping with open windows or sharing resources with friends and neighbors while others ran generators and yet still others felt lost. As the days passed many of us remained without power for even up to a week or more. Frustration, agitation, annoyance, anger, running as fast and furious as the hurricane itself while slowly but surely unraveling even the best of us. Here again, was an exterior event pointing so directly to an interior state of being. The parallel uncanny. Can we truly be rendered powerless by outside events, people and occurrences in our lives? What does it truly mean to stand in your power?
The statement…no-one has any power over us unless we give it to them…is true. This applies to events and occurrences as well. When we stand on an inner foundation that is shaky, we invite in insecurity, doubt, fear, shame, guilt, jealousy and we begin to look to others for opinions, thoughts and ideas on how we should handle any given situation thus giving away our power to render these decisions on our own. It’s a statement that says we do not believe or trust in our own ability to navigate our own lives. That we somehow need outside help. But this is an illusion. We are in fact very powerful beings; we are creators and have been given the power to create our own lives. There are many that would disagree with this notion stating that certain situations/occurrences have transpired in their lives randomly, that they would never have created, especially those that are accompanied by pain, suffering, struggle or lack. But in fact, we have created them…all of them; positive or negative, we just are unaware of this because we do not spend the time to learn and understand how this works.
We create from our beliefs and thoughts about any given topic. Many people are not even aware of what they believe, as they move on auto-pilot rarely examining their motives, inspirations, belief systems, origins of thought…rarely questioning themselves and examining their actions. They sleep-walk through life without a second thought and with beliefs that have been handed down to them. It’s when a difficulty or obstacle appears that gives us pause and the opportunity to self-examine and decide who we are and what we believe in relation to it. Herein lies our power. It is in our ability to question, examine, reflect, discern, decide and then create or re-create as the case might be. We are creating all the time; the question is are you creating consciously or unconsciously? All our answers already lie within us. If we don’t believe this, we cannot access it. We all have this innate ability, this inner compass that directs us. This is our power. It teaches us how to respond, how to discern. It gives us confidence and knowing beyond any outside piece of advice. It gives us courage and compassion, a solid sense of self and belonging to self that we cannot get from another, it gives us truth, guidance and self-belief, a solid foundation within so that eventually any and all external events do not render us powerless, but gives us an opportunity to demonstrate just how powerful we are.
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