Without a doubt, this pandemic has brought a lot of unexpected circumstances to our attention – physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Each of us in our own way has experienced different aspects of these unexpected circumstances – some have grieved loss of life, while others loss of businesses, loss of finances, loss of senior year, loss of faith and still others more than one of these.  On the other hand, the Earth has experienced an astoundingly quick regeneration, with lessening air and waterways pollution, a healing in the ozone layer, a resurgence of wildlife.  Is there a teaching, a silver lining here, somewhere?  And if so, what is it?  This, of course, depends on where you are standing.  Yet for all of us one of the unexpected occurrences was the grounding halt to humanity’s current lifestyle.  We were forced to stop, collectively, even for a short time to assess, reflect and hopefully re-direct.  How are we living? What daily choices are we making?  Each choice we make albeit minor or major, is an act of self-definition.  How are we defining ourselves; both personally and collectively?  Much to ponder as the personal choice directly affects the collective.

This unexpected occurrence although negative on initial impact – is positive on long term change.  Embrace the unexpected it’s here to teach us something, to show us where we have strayed out of alignment. The pandemic will pass, what impactful positive message did it leave you with?  Embrace it, for therein lies its purpose.


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